👥Customers Guide
Create, manage, and analyze your store's customers
Customers Overview
All store Customers can be found by navigating to the Customers menu in the Dashboard. The Customers List View can be searched, sorted, and filtered by multiple attributes. The resulting list can be exported by choosing Actions > Export.
The default Search function finds customers based on their Name, Email, or Phone, and supports partial matches when returning search results.
Choosing Filters allows a partial-match search by Customer Address fields, along with a variety of other search filters.
Clicking View opens the Customer Details view, which provides a full overview of all information and associated data available for the customer.
Customer Details View
The Customer Details view is organized to display and offer quick access to all events and information associated to a customer, and organized visually in the Customer Timeline.
From this Customer Details view, several quick links are available:
Create Ticket - create a new support ticket on behalf of the customer
View Cart - access and edit the customer's cart
Select the More Actions menu to perform the following:
Send Password Reset Email - invite the customer to access their storefront customer account by resetting their password
Add to Block Lists - add the customer to block lists to prevent them from placing future orders
Open Tickets and Disputes associated to the customer are summarized and linked here.
More on Support Tickets, and payment Disputes.
The Customer card displays key data about the customer:
Email Address
Phone Number
Total Spent (Lifetime)
Total Orders
Customer Since (Customer Creation Date)
Choose Edit to modify the customer's email address, name, phone, language. Select Subscribe to Marketing Emails when the customer has opted into marketing content from your store.
Orders placed by the customer are listed on the Orders card. Click on an order number to access the Order Details view. Orders are displayed with the following summary data:
Order Number
Total Amount
Date Placed
Order Status
Fulfillment Status
Payment Status
Learn more about Order Statuses
The customer's existing or past subscriptions are listed on the Subscriptions card.
Click on a Subscription ID to access the Subscription Detail View. Subscriptions are displayed with the following summary data:
Subscription ID
Subscription Status
Subscription Billing Frequency
Products, quantity and item price
Subscription Total Amount
Next Renewal Date
The customer’s Billing and Shipping Addresses can be viewed and edited through the Addresses card. Choose Manage to create a new address, or edit existing addresses for the customer, and set defaults for Billing and Shipping.
Customer Timeline
All events in the customer's history are displayed in the on the Timeline. Events such as orders, as well as a list of all Notifications sent to the customer can be viewed here.
Any emails sent to the customer such as transactional emails can be selected and viewed from the Timeline.
Notes added to a customer's account are displayed on the Timeline. To attach a new note to the customer, choose Add Note. Notes are editable for 5 minutes after they’ve been added.
Customer notes can be created and queried using the Admin API
Add or modify any Tags on the customer's record to allow for custom workflows, segmentation, and filtered search views of customers with specific tags. Tags can be freely created, applied, and removed.
Last updated
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