Gift Cards

Create Gift Cards to offer as store credit for your customers

Manage Gift Cards

From the Products menu, choose Gift Cards

From this view a list of all Gift Cards in the store are displayed, including

  • Gift Card Code

  • Customer (the card is assigned to)

  • Gift Card's current remaining value

  • Card Status

  • Date Created

Use the Search and Filters to narrow down the list view of GIft Cards to find a specific card.

Create Gift Cards

From the Gift Card dashboard, select Create Gift Card

To create a unique gift card, input the following values

  • Initial Value - the currency and amount of store credit on the gift card

  • No Expiration / Set Expiration Date - choose whether the gift card should expire

  • Customer - Assign the card to a current customer, or Create New Customer to whom you will assign the gift card

When ready, Save Changes

From the following view, the Gift Card Code is shown, along with the history of usage and changes.

Copy the gift card code from this screen now, it won't be shown again after leaving the page. If the customer loses their Gift Card at a later date, resend it to them by email by choosing Send Gift Card

Last updated